Mood lowering. Paul's story

There are times in everyone's life when the world seems less colourful and everyday joys lose their meaning. Sometimes these feelings are just a temporary fatigue that passes on its own. However, what if lowered mood becomes our constant companion?


2/3/20242 min read

Struggling with a lowered mood. Paul's story

Paul has always come across as a person full of energy and optimism for life. However, something has changed in the last few months. Increasingly, he feels emptiness instead of joy, and his daily activities, which he used to enjoy, now seem meaningless.

Worrying symptoms

The first sign that something was wrong was Paul's difficulty sleeping. Despite being tired, every night is a struggle to get a few hours of restful sleep. In the morning, he wakes up sleep-deprived, feeling as if he has been working all night.

At work, where he once felt like a fish in water, every task now seems like an insurmountable mountain. A lack of motivation to get things done and a feeling of being overwhelmed by the smallest responsibilities have become a daily occurrence for him.

His social life has also suffered. Paul, who has always been the soul of company, now avoids meeting friends. The loss of interests and lack of desire to interact with others clearly signal that his emotional state has changed significantly.

What was once a source of joy, such as his hobby of photography, now brings no satisfaction. The loss of pleasure in things that used to bring him joy is one of the most difficult experiences for Paul.

In addition, concentration problems have emerged. Reading a book or watching a film that requires concentration becomes an almost impossible task. His thoughts often flow towards pessimistic scenarios, leading to a sense of hopelessness and pessimism.

The first step to change

Paul came to the realisation that what he was experiencing might be more than just a temporary dip in his mood. He realised that what he was feeling could be symptoms of depression - a condition that requires professional help.

The decision to seek help did not come easily, but it was the first, most important action on the road to feeling better. Talking to a psychologist helped Paul to understand that his experience was valid and that his lowered mood was something that could and should be tackled.

A message for you

If you identify with Paul's story, remember that you are not alone. It is important for you to know that help is at hand. Struggling with a depressed mood is difficult, but with the right help, you can find your way to feeling better. Sometimes the first step is simply to share how you are feeling with someone who can listen and support you.

If this is not the solution for you make an appointment with a specialist.

You can benefit from a consultation with our psychologist. You can find one at the Better Day Clinic.

Foto: Nathan Dumlao/ Unsplash